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Lavender Grove

Location 2


Location 3


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Sep 15 2023


8:00 AM - 6:00 PM

Lavender Park

Преимущества тура. Лавандовый парк, где растут 35 000 кустов лаванды! Цветотерапия и цветочная терапия под Киевом. Экскурсия, где можно сделать много ярких фотографий. Хороший музей выдающегося украинского тенора. Живописные «Васильковские Карпаты».


Facing difficulties?

Let us know if you managed to translate vaccinations, enroll your child in school/kindergarten with the help of our recommendations, find covid information or answer any question. We will update the site based on your experience.


If necessary, we will contact the Washington State Department of Health for clarification and comments.


Facing difficulties?

Let us know if you managed to translate vaccinations, enroll your child in school/kindergarten with the help of our recommendations, find covid information or answer any question. We will update the site based on your experience.


If necessary, we will contact the Washington State Department of Health for clarification and comments.

The information is for informational purposes only and is not medical advice.

Project created and supported by Nashi Immigrants Health Board

Nashi Immigrats Health Board is a registered
EIN 87-4357900 |

The information is for informational purposes only and is not medical advice.

Project created and supported by Nashi Immigrants Health Board

Nashi Immigrats Health Board is a registered
EIN 87-4357900 |